Therapy for Highly Sensitive / Deeply Feeling Individuals

Real support for really BIG feelings.

imagine if you…

Understood the cause of those intense feelings

Some of us are empaths who tend to feel things on a deeper level. Others might find themselves struggling with feelings that overwhelm them out of the blue. There is more than one explanation for these deep feelings. You can have trauma stored in your body, battling with anxiety / depression or even undiagnosed ADHD. A consultation call is a great place to start so we can get to the root of it all.

Could regulate your emotions

Imagine being able to feel your feelings without them being all consuming. Being able to listen to what your emotions are telling you and navigate from a regulated state. You are capable of getting to this place you just need the proper tools.

Realized your sensitive nature was a gift

A highly sensitive nature can come with it own set of challenges. However, it typically comes with a variety of gifts as well, such as: creativity, an intuitive nature and/ or empathy. Many women I work with are able to discover that their highly sensitive nature is actually a gift.

how i can help

Therapy for highly sensitive / deeply feeling individuals.

Let’s work together to discover what is a the core of your symptoms.

Once we hold a consultation call and/ or an initial intake I can recommend a path forward. For many (not all) women their deep feelings are a symptom of other underlying causes.

With my assistance we can find and address the root cause so you can find balance within yourself.


You don’t have to navigate this alone.

There is relief and beauty in your highly sensitive nature! Get the tools to navigate your emotions and embrace them.